Musician Guidance member Nadia Taticek recently did an email interview with Musician Guidance, as seen by the questions & answers below.
Please provide a brief introduction of yourself.
I am a 23 year old autistic singer, songwriter, lyricist.
1 - What is your stage name? Nadia Taticek. 2 - What first got you into music? Church choir and expressing myself. 3 - How would you describe the music that you create? Pop, country, folk.
4 - What is one thing about yourself that almost no one knows? I will remember your birthday for the rest of my life. 5 - What is your creative process like? I write song ideas every day. It comes naturally. 6 - What stage are you at in your music journey? I am releasing my original music, just released an album last month. 7 - If you could perform with any musician, who would it be? Demi Lovato, I have looked up to her since barney. She is such a great performer and accepts people for who they are. 8 - What instruments can you play? Guitar, learning keyboard and ukulele.
9 - If you could be any animal, which animal would you be and why? I would want to be a Goldendoodle because they are smart. 10 - What is the best music advice you have ever been given? Keep following your passion. 11 - What is your music dream? To be signed by a record label and perform on stage.
12 - Which song resonates with you the most and why? For the love of the daughter by Demi Lovato Because I relate to every single lyric.
13 - What would be your dream city to perform in?
I have a three-way tie Phoenix, Los angles, and Salt lake city.
14 - What is one message you would like to give to your fans? People with disabilities can do anything they set their mind to.
15 - What is next for you in your music journey?
Getting more of my song noticed, and performing at open mic nights
16 - What is the most trouble you have ever got into?
Sneaking into my neighbor's backyard because they had a pool.
17 - If you weren't making music, what would you be doing?
Becoming a therapist.
If you want to keep up to date with Nadia, follow her on Instagram here.