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WORKSHOP #7 - Overcoming Self-Doubt

Do you struggle with self-doubt, a lack of confidence, or often find yourself negatively comparing yourself to others? These are some of the biggest struggles musicians face, and so this workshop is going to help you overcome exactly that.

When you struggle with self-doubt, you see every task as a challenge. Posting covers, writing lyrics, training your voice, practicing an instrument, everything you used to love, now seems like a chore.

While this is a major issue, it is not overly talked about and so we would like to provide some strategies to try and help you overcome this internal struggle. Throughout the journey, we want to hear from you, to see how these tips have helped you.

Here are four tips and strategies to help you overcome self-doubt.

1. Change your Mindset - Your mindset is ultimately the way you perceive things around you. By changing your mindset, you’re able to shift your focus from something that kills your confidence, to something that can build your confidence.

You need to stop focusing on everything that could go wrong (or that has gone wrong), and instead, focus on everything that you can do right (or have already done right).

Let’s look at an example. We were talking to a musician the other day that said she was so nervous to perform on stage, because she was focusing on everything that could do wrong, such as forgetting lyrics, having voice cracks, etc.

She became so caught up in these fears, that she told us she had no plans to perform live, even though her dream was to perform in front of millions… that might be a problem.

We helped her change her mindset and explained to her that rather than focus on everything that could go wrong, focus on everything that could go right.

For example, focus on the fact that you could have millions of listeners love your music. You could inspire, motivate, support or encourage millions of people through your music. You change millions of people's lives for the better through your music.

In short, look at the glass half full. Focus on the positives, forget the negatives.

2. Stop Comparing Yourself - Every artist is unique, including yourself! Comparing yourself to others is therefore not only dragging down your confidence, but also putting your talents in the shadows of others, which is NOT where it belongs.

Furthermore, nothing is as it seems! So if you’re comparing your voice to theirs, your following to theirs, or anything else, just know there is more to it than what meets the eye.

For example, maybe they have more followers than you, but you make a bigger impact on your followers, something they dream of doing.

When you compare yourself to others, you tend to focus on their good side and your bad side. It is human nature to want what we do not have, and it’s great to work towards something new, but no two artists (and no two people are alike). You are beautiful and special, and deserve to shine in your own spotlight.

3. Take a Breathe - We know the industry is tough and we know you want success. Many musicians get so caught up in chasing this idea of success however, that they don’t even know what they are after.

You have about 20 jobs summarized as independent artist, and so it is reasonable to get caught up by something, by trying to do it all yourself. We just want you to take a breath, slow down, and enjoy the journey.

The moment you get caught up in work, the moment the music you create becomes less impactful. Music is best with a fresh mind, and so as soon as you feel stressed about what you have to do, or where you’re wanting to go/be, sit back and take a break.

After your break, you will comeback with a clear mind, in which ideas will freely and continuously flow.

4. Never Forget Your Love of Music - Making music is the most rewording lifestyle one could ask for. It is self-fulfilling, allows yourself to freely express your emotions, inspire others and so much more.

If music is feeling more like a job than a passion, do not force it. Instead go back to your roots. Go back to your first song you ever wrote, or the first song you learned to play, or the first song you listened to.

Remember why you’re making music in the first place. Music is beautiful. Music is your medicine. Let it heal you!


Your Turn

Now it is your chance to implement the above strategies and work towards gaining confidence and overcoming your self-doubt. After implementing these strategies, email us how it helped.

Also, if you have any questions throughout it, or would like to share your struggles for more personalized help, please contact us! Remember, this is a workshop. We’re here to help you succeed.

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