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Tell Your Audience "WHY," before "HOW!"

Are you wanting to monetize your music, get more streams, increase your following, or have a greater impact on those that do come across your music? If you answered "yes," to any of those, then this blog is for you!

We (the Musician Guidance team), receive many, (okay that's an understatement), AN INSANE AMOUNT OF songs via email or DM. They almost ALWAYS go directly for what they want, by focusing exclusively on the call-to-action (CTA). If they want streams, they would say "stream it now" and provide a link. If they want a pre-save, they would say "pre-save now" and provide a link to it. If they want us to buy their concert tickets, they would say "buy now" and provide a link to it.

While telling those "HOW" to do what you want them to is important, (because at the end of the day, if they do not know how to, they will not do it), what's more important is telling them "WHY" they should do it.

Don't get us wrong, having call to actions are absolutely necessary, however only focusing on them does not allow yourself to provide value to your fans, which is ultimately what they need to then want to click-through.

So what you need to do is tell them "WHY." This will not only increase the amount of people that do what you want them to, but could also turn them into potential life-long fans of yours, life-long listeners of yours, or something else that you want them to do.

So how do you do this? Focus on what you want them to do, and what it will provide them. We know you want them to do it, because it will provide yourself streams, recognition, revenue, support, etc, but put yourself in their position. They probably receive those messages all the time, so why should they follow through with your request? It's simple, because your song can help them through something, or make them feel a certain way, or put them in the right headspace, or lift their mood, or let them know they're not alone. Whatever you feel your song can do, let them know, because when you do, there is real value for them to listen.

We hope you found some value in this blog. Let us know if you would like us to write a blog on a specific topic that you're wanting guidance on.

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